Friday, March 19, 2010


Today is  Friday! I got home from school a while ago. I am so relieved I don't have to go back to that horrible place until Monday.. I've really just been hating school more than ever lately. I just feel really unhappy there and it makes my life so much more miserable than it has to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to put up with it and I want to graduate next year and all that jazz, and I do want to go to college. I'm just so stressed.
Anyway, the only thing that really made today pretty cool was that my twin sis and I had a photo shoot after school. One of my sort of friends shot us because she's really into photography and I'm sure she's using the roll for a class. I'll make sure to put up some of the picture after she's done with them. It might be kind of a while though. I think they'll be purrrty :]
I think I want to dye my hair tonight. I'll be super excited about a change. And for that i'll also post pictures of my new do :D 
Okay. Well I'm goin' out. It's a Friday. I wanna get outta the house

Time: 5:40
Eating: Multigrain Cheerios and Salt & Vinegar chips... (not together though haha)
Watching: Wizards of Waverly Place (yeah, lame but it was just on and I don't care)
Feeling: Frustrated

Thursday, March 18, 2010


random picture that my sister took.. I think it's pretty cool

I'm still learning things I ought to know by now...

I just typed a veryyyyyyyy long blog post as sort of a way to vent and it would not save and now it is gone. I am so angry. I had a bad day and that just did not make it any better. 

Time: 12:48 AM
Current mood: sad
Wearing: pajama pants and a tank with my warm AA sweatshirt
Watching: Project Runway 
Basically, people are usually not who you expect them to be and tend to disappoint you. Even after a year and half of knowing someone very close to me, he ceased to amaze me today... in  a bad way. 
I was thinking over the weekend about who is a good person and who isn't. I wondered if I'm a good person. I looked around at the world and wondered what it would be like if everybody were like me (being reasonable of course... not like Emilia bots)... Now, that sounds conceited, but it really was in the least conceited way possible. It kind of helped me see that I'm a pretty good person. Of course we all have our flaws and I certainly do but I try to accept myself. 
So, I guess do this test on yourself. And just for the record, I don't think this is the most accurate test all the time of course. Just a very general one to use. 

I apologize for the sad post. I'll leave you with something to look at :]P
night night